The Regional Galleries Association of South Australia invites you join us to talk all things Cultural Tourism. What is it, how do you get better at it and how can we shape cultural tourism in a way that is good for the economy and for art and artists?
Program Overview
What is Cultural Tourism?
Opening Panel
Definitions for arts and cultural tourism vary considerably – so what is it, really?
Join the conversation with our panellists who will share their unique perspectives
of arts and cultural tourism Panellists include Shaun DeBruyn from the Tourism
Industry Council SA, Melinda Rankin from Fabrik and Marika Davies from Yarta Purtli.
Silo Art and Wellbeing Report
Dr Amelia Green - Adjunct Research Fellow
Marketing – Griffith Business School
Joining us from Griffith University in Queensland, Dr Amelia Green will share her insight on the research report, Australian Silo Art and Wellbeing. Created by Dr Green in collaboration with Prof. Scott Weaven the report speaks to the impact of large-scale murals from a tourism and community perspective. Join us for this interesting session talking about both the value and challenges of these types of projects in regional Australia.
Strategy, Stats + Visitor Profiles
SA Arts + Cultural Tourism Strategy
Adam Stanford from the SA Tourism Commission (SATC) will be joining us to talk about Arts + Cultural Tourism in South Australia. Adam was involved with the development of the recently released SA Arts and Cultural Tourism Strategy and will provide an overview of the document. He will also share his insights on using stats and developing visitor profiles in the context of creating great cultural tourism experiences.

2022 Regional Galleries Forum
Public Galleries Forum
Thursday 5 December 1-5pm - Radford Auditorium, AGSA
Cultural Conversations + Collaborations Aboriginal Arts Panel
A candid discussion about the role of galleries and museums in ethically sharing Aboriginal culture and working and supporting Aboriginal artists. Panelists include Marie Falcinella from Ku Arts and Dr Jared Thomas from the SA Museum.
The Role of Artists and Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Museums + Galleries
Keynote: Rose Hiscock, Director – Science Gallery Melbourne
Rose Hiscock is the Director of Science Gallery Melbourne, and Director Museums and Collections The University of Melbourne. Prior to that she was Director of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (Powerhouse Museum), Australia’s contemporary museum for excellence and innovation in applied arts and sciences.
Rose will share her insight on the role of artists in interpreting knowledge from a variety of fields in museum and gallery settings and how this builds audiences and participatory models for engagement.
Where to from Here? SA Arts + Culture Plan
The recent release of the new SA Arts and Cultural Plan marks an important moment for the arts in South Australia and provides a focus for development over the next five years. Jennifer Layther, Director Arts South Australia will provide an overview of the plan and talk about what’s next.
Collections + Collaborations Can Old Be New?
Keynote: Louis Le Vaillant Director and Curator of The Johnston Collection
Louis is the Director and Curator of The Johnston Collection in East Melbourne and is dedicated to generating connections to historical and contemporary art, craft and design from around the world.
Louis will discuss the process of inviting creatives from the visual arts and design communities to re-interpret the Johnston Collection (TJC), and how it has now become a place to inspire art, artists and the community whilst communicating historically relevant stories with a broad demographic.
Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Monster Theatres
A Preview with the Art Gallery of South Australia’s Leigh Robb
The Adelaide Biennial is the country’s longest-standing survey of contemporary Australian Art and will celebrate a 30-year milestone in 2020. Curator Leigh Robb will provide an overview of what to expect in next year’s exhibition featuring some Australian’s most renowned artists.

Speakers L-R Kim Jameson, Anne Robertson, Esther Anatolitis, Alex Marsden and facilitator, Mirna Heruc

In June 2018, 65 members of South Australia's public gallery sector got together for the second time in what we hope will now be an annual event.
This half-day Forum was presented jointly by Regional Galleries Association of SA and Museums and Galleries (SA).
Addressing issues identified at the previous gathering, were NAVA's Esther Anatolitis, Anne Robertson of PGAV, Alex Marsden, MGA and Kim Jameson, Art on the Move WA /Galleries West -'Speaking to Decision Makers in their own language" and Tracey Fox, Executive Manager, Volunteering SA/NT -"Articulating the value of volunteers and volunteering" before an update by our hosts, the Art Gallery of SA, represented by Lisa Slade. Read a summary at the link below.

AGSA's Lisa Slade addressing the forum

In June 2017, 61 members of South Australia's public gallery sector got together for the first time (the first time in living memory at least.)
This half-day Forum was presented jointly by Regional Galleries Association of SA and Museums and Galleries (SA)
South Australia has a diverse ecology of not-for-profit public galleries of varying size, management structure, audience and charter, but despite the differences, there is much in common.
Until now, there has been little opportunity to connect, collaborate, share and discuss industry information and issues.
This forum brought us together for networking, knowledge sharing and inspiration to build our capacity to deliver rich cultural experiences to our communities, whoever they may be.
Overwhelmingly, we agreed to stay connected and work together!